Thank you for considering a donation to Ciara’s SDR surgery. We understand that making a donation to someone you don’t know is a matter of trust.
We, Anja & Kristian, the parents of Ciara and her twin sister Emilia, can’t give you more than our word that the donations will be used solely for Ciara’s upcoming surgery and following rehabilitation. We do our outmost to document Ciara’s progress through pictures and videos as well as provide documentation for the many events we take part in to show that we are real people fighting for our daughter’s ability to walk independently and be pain-free. For life!
We have made it easy to make a donation to Ciara’s life-changing surgery. Below you will finde several options. Chose the one you feel comfortable with. All donations go directly into Ciara’s fund.
Thank you
Options (links will open in a new tab):
PayPal – Secure online platform and payment-method used by millions every day. Donate through this link using your existing PayPal account:
Visit our Support Shop – we offer a few merchandise items to support Ciara’s mission. With the bracelet and running shirt you can show your friends and colleagues that you support a good cause and it raises further awareness and resonance which helps Ciara to make her dream come true – to walk independently and be pain free. For Life!
MobilePay (Denmark Only) – Scan the QR code below with your MobilePay App or swipe your donation to 9311AY.