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The movie is really spot on: heart-breaking, cruel, unfiltered, raw. But it is also about hope, a loving family and the fight for a FAIR world. Dive into the world of Melody (which is by the way played by a teenager that shares Ciara’s diagnosis Cerebral Palsy) – it’ll be an#cpe#cerebralpalsy##Inclusiona#inclusionmatters#phoeberaetaylors#disneyeRaeTaylor #disney+ ... See MoreSee Less
In Deutschland haben wir bezüglich Inklusion definitiv noch SEHR VIEL Luft nach oben.
Es ist noch nicht in allen Köpfen angekommen, aber Inklusion ist ein Menschenrecht und spätestens seit der Ratifizierung der UN-Behindertenrechts- konvention 2009 rechtlich verankert.
Und erneut benötigen wir eure Hilfe in Form von Teilen des Beitrags 🫶. Nach 5 Wochen mehr oder weniger Normalzustand sind wir leider erneut auf der Suche nach einer Schulbegleitung für Ciara. Aktuell springt meine Mama, Ciaras Oma, ein. Ein Dauerzustand ist das aber für keine der beiden. Helft uns BITTE, die richtige Person an Ciaras Seite zu finden ❤️. Von ganzem Herzen danke!!!
We‘re gonna watch it. You, too? It also happens quite a lot to Ciara that unknown people pat her head, that people talk over her head (assuming she won‘t understand anyway), the whispering behind her back, the staring… . She is so tired of it and I totally get why.
If we as human beings feel the urge to assume, let‘s assume that all disabled people understand. One can understand, even though one uses a wheelchair. One can understand, even though one is non-verbal. One can understand, even though one‘s body has uncontrolled movements. Body and brain not necessarily speak the same language.
By the way, Jennifer Aniston portrays Melody‘s inner voice (at least in English ;)). Love it! ... See MoreSee Less
Summer is over. And it was the weirdest one ever… . But read along yourself:
It started great with an intensive for CiarCK Intensivesensives. Then Emilia came home sick from hobby horsing camp 😷. I thought bronchitis – it turned out to be whooping cough and probably bronchitis on top (I never knew that one could get whooping cough when vaccinated. Lesson learned).
Thanks to our great (irony!) building contractor Danhaus we didn’t book any vacation but ended up in the magazines Stern and Capital instead 📰.
Then Ciara started coughing and got on antibiotics at the instant (never been to the pediatrician so many times in my whole life, especially not in summer) 😷.
As the lunch area at Ciara’s school still isn’t accessible and the school wants to install a platform lift we went to test lifts. Again, learned all sorts – this time about lifts (if you’re looking for advice, give me a shout 😉).
In preparation for Ciara’s skiing field trip with school we went skiing at the end of August to test and compare equipment - first time ever in a skiing hall ⛷️.
As the school was informed by the Regional Council (Regierungspräsidium) before summer vacation Ciara isn’t allowed to get a compensation for her sports grade, she isn’t allowed to get a grade at all due her disability (and can’t take sports classes in year 11 + 12, otherwise she won’t get her A-levels). Discrimination? I talked to the Vice President of the State Parliament to start a clarification process 📄.
Wauw sorry you have to go through all of that. But happy you - against all odds - still have the courage to fight the system <3 Go mom!
A never ending energy is being needed for all that … 🙃
So sad to read, as you didn’t have enough to fight against in the first place!
Dass man da müde ist versteh ich total, bewundere eure Kraft. Trotzdem aufpassen, sonst macht Fire Mama auch mal schlapp. Wünsch euch eine „ruhigere“ Zeit und viel Kraft 🤗🍀
Let's get Ciara Walking Let's get Ciara Walking is with Swim Lab International at Centro Deportivo Fariones.
5 months ago
Flashback to Pentecost school vacation 🏊♀️💦🚶♀️
Sooo proud of this girl 🤩! She defied her fear of swimming by herself in the second lane (meaning further away from somewhere to hold onto just in case) and swam and swam. It was a huge mental effort and a huge achievement for Ciara 💪.
For those who didn’t know: a body that is scared will stiffen. And a stiff body will drown. Kris and Ciara talked lots about the picture below during those two weeks.
The Trexo Robotic sessions helped Ciara’s body get back into alignment🚶♀️. The crouching was gone, as was the backward arching while standing. Growth spurts definitely suck as they totally mess up the body.
There are no limits, keep reaching for the stars 🌟
Let's get Ciara Walking Let's get Ciara Walking is feeling sad at St. Louis Children's Hospital.
5 months ago
We are heartbroken to learn that Ciara‘s surgeon Dr. TS Park from St. Louis Children’s Hospital suddenly passed away - 2 months after having retired. Ciara was his patient #4448.
Dr. Park was a greatly gifted surgeon and a wonderful person. He deeply cared for his patients and their well-being. I’ve never met a doctor like him (and we’ve been to quite a few). Even years after Ciara‘s surgery he happily answered our questions. He really wanted to see „his“ kids thrive and live their lives in the absolute best way possible.
We‘ll be forever thankful to him ❤️. May he rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with his fami#sdrchangeslives
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The movie is really spot on: heart-breaking, cruel, unfiltered, raw. But it is also about hope, a loving family and the fight for a FAIR world.
Dive into the world of Melody (which is by the way played by a teenager that shares Ciara’s diagnosis Cerebral Palsy) – it’ll be an#cpe#cerebralpalsy##Inclusiona#inclusionmatters #phoeberaetaylors#disneyeRaeTaylor #disney+ ... See MoreSee Less
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In Deutschland haben wir bezüglich Inklusion definitiv noch SEHR VIEL Luft nach oben.
Es ist noch nicht in allen Köpfen angekommen, aber Inklusion ist ein Menschenrecht und spätestens seit der Ratifizierung der UN-Behindertenrechts- konvention 2009 rechtlich verankert.
Wir kämpfen täglich an Ciaras Seite für eine inklusive #cerebralpalsyawareness #cerebralpalsyl#cpwarriorn#inklusionr#inclusionmattersr #inklusion #inclusionmatters ... See MoreSee Less
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Comment on Facebook
Und erneut benötigen wir eure Hilfe in Form von Teilen des Beitrags 🫶. Nach 5 Wochen mehr oder weniger Normalzustand sind wir leider erneut auf der Suche nach einer Schulbegleitung für Ciara. Aktuell springt meine Mama, Ciaras Oma, ein. Ein Dauerzustand ist das aber für keine der beiden. Helft uns BITTE, die richtige Person an Ciaras Seite zu finden ❤️. Von ganzem Herzen danke!!!
#cerebralpalsy #inclusionmattersnclusionmatters ... See MoreSee Less
Dringend gesucht: Schulbegleitung – Let's get Ciara Walking
Dringend gesucht: Schulbegleitung (pädagogische Fachkraft), Teilzeit 17,5h Interesse/Fragen?Fragen Beantworten wir gerne unter 0172/7051141 (Anja Sandrini) oder Gesucht: Schulbegleit...Comment on Facebook
The most important thing: FAMILY.
Much needed sisters time last weekend ❤️. No plans, no hurry, just spending time together.
#cp #cerebralpalsy #sdr #cpwarrior #sdrchangeslives #homeiswheretheheartis ... See MoreSee Less
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We‘re gonna watch it. You, too?
It also happens quite a lot to Ciara that unknown people pat her head, that people talk over her head (assuming she won‘t understand anyway), the whispering behind her back, the staring… . She is so tired of it and I totally get why.
If we as human beings feel the urge to assume, let‘s assume that all disabled people understand. One can understand, even though one uses a wheelchair. One can understand, even though one is non-verbal. One can understand, even though one‘s body has uncontrolled movements. Body and brain not necessarily speak the same language.
By the way, Jennifer Aniston portrays Melody‘s inner voice (at least in English ;)). Love it! ... See MoreSee Less
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.Comment on Facebook
Summer is over. And it was the weirdest one ever… . But read along yourself:
It started great with an intensive for CiarCK Intensivesensives. Then Emilia came home sick from hobby horsing camp 😷. I thought bronchitis – it turned out to be whooping cough and probably bronchitis on top (I never knew that one could get whooping cough when vaccinated. Lesson learned).
Thanks to our great (irony!) building contractor Danhaus we didn’t book any vacation but ended up in the magazines Stern and Capital instead 📰.
Then Ciara started coughing and got on antibiotics at the instant (never been to the pediatrician so many times in my whole life, especially not in summer) 😷.
As the lunch area at Ciara’s school still isn’t accessible and the school wants to install a platform lift we went to test lifts. Again, learned all sorts – this time about lifts (if you’re looking for advice, give me a shout 😉).
In preparation for Ciara’s skiing field trip with school we went skiing at the end of August to test and compare equipment - first time ever in a skiing hall ⛷️.
As the school was informed by the Regional Council (Regierungspräsidium) before summer vacation Ciara isn’t allowed to get a compensation for her sports grade, she isn’t allowed to get a grade at all due her disability (and can’t take sports classes in year 11 + 12, otherwise she won’t get her A-levels). Discrimination? I talked to the Vice President of the State Parliament to start a clarification process 📄.
And lastly the onboarding process of Ciara’s new 1:1 with training transfers at school in the days #cpo#cerebralpalsyt#cpwarriorz#inklusion&#Inclusionn#inclusionmatterst#sdrk#sdrchangeslivesc#nevergiveup 😮💨
#cp #cerebralpalsy #cpwarrior #inklusion #inclusion #inclusionmatters #sdr #sdrchangeslives #nevergiveup ... See MoreSee Less
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Wauw sorry you have to go through all of that. But happy you - against all odds - still have the courage to fight the system <3 Go mom!
A never ending energy is being needed for all that … 🙃
So sad to read, as you didn’t have enough to fight against in the first place!
Dass man da müde ist versteh ich total, bewundere eure Kraft. Trotzdem aufpassen, sonst macht Fire Mama auch mal schlapp. Wünsch euch eine „ruhigere“ Zeit und viel Kraft 🤗🍀
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Sister power 💪. Supporting Emilia at the very first German Hobby Horsing Championships with more than 300 participants today🐴🐎⭐️ ... See MoreSee Less
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And what a success it has been ♥️
Sejt 🤜🤛🐴🐴
Flashback to Pentecost school vacation 🏊♀️💦🚶♀️
Sooo proud of this girl 🤩! She defied her fear of swimming by herself in the second lane (meaning further away from somewhere to hold onto just in case) and swam and swam. It was a huge mental effort and a huge achievement for Ciara 💪.
For those who didn’t know: a body that is scared will stiffen. And a stiff body will drown. Kris and Ciara talked lots about the picture below during those two weeks.
The Trexo Robotic sessions helped Ciara’s body get back into alignment🚶♀️. The crouching was gone, as was the backward arching while standing. Growth spurts definitely suck as they totally mess up the body.
There are no limits, keep reaching for the stars 🌟
PS: The head towel is the new Lanza street style #cpa#cerebralpalsyy#cpwarrior
#inklusionr#Inclusionp#inclusionmattersn#sdrc#sdrchangeslivesn#nevergiveup #sdrchangeslives #nevergiveup ... See MoreSee Less
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We are heartbroken to learn that Ciara‘s surgeon Dr. TS Park from St. Louis Children’s Hospital suddenly passed away - 2 months after having retired. Ciara was his patient #4448.
Dr. Park was a greatly gifted surgeon and a wonderful person. He deeply cared for his patients and their well-being. I’ve never met a doctor like him (and we’ve been to quite a few). Even years after Ciara‘s surgery he happily answered our questions. He really wanted to see „his“ kids thrive and live their lives in the absolute best way possible.
We‘ll be forever thankful to him ❤️. May he rest in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with his fami#sdrchangeslives
#sdrchangeslives #stlch #sdr #cp ... See MoreSee Less
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He always believed in their potential. We are forever grateful and still can’t believe his life and retirement was cut so short. 💚
Amazing man I Remember forever Ts Park